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An hour of grace and historic window of opportunity to create a space for change for the learning system

Leading Change

The Public National Board of Education Cabinet, aims to lead and create significant change in the education system in Israel by delineating the vision and road map of the future for a working learning system in Israel and create an ecosystem which is learner focused. Outlining the initial steps alongside medium- and long-term plans which won’t be contingent on a particular Government, and will allow for recognizing the potential. The Public National Board of Education Cabinet’s plan will reimagine the role of those who teach, as leaders and mentors of values and training, develop learning skills, curiosity and a wide spectrum of lifetime learning, design the learning experience and teaching that supports creative learning and expanding knowledge, develop an educational ecosystem, build a tailormade toolbox for integration into the future workforce, and abilities to adapt to change and close the gaps and provide every learner in Israel with the opportunity to maximize their potential.

 A Window of Opportunity

For Education

The Next Steps

Formulate widespread agreement around new language and strategic road map, prior to formulation of a new Government in Israel


Education 2030 - Strategic Road Map and Compass


Education 2025 - Medium term Strategy embedded into legislation


Short term Implementation 2020 - first steps



Graduates of the learning system in the State of Israel should have the skills and capabilities to successfully integrate into society, the community and the economy.

Learning is an ongoing and interactive process that takes place in the classroom, at home and in the community. 

The learning system should be a source of inspiration and develop the potential for each learner throughout their life. 


Leading the transformation of the
education system in the State of

Israel by drawing up a vision and
a macro-future roadmap for the

operation of the learning system

in Israel and transforming it into
a leading ecosystem with learning

at its’ core

Education is Everyone’s Business

The Public National Board of Education Cabinet has taken the national task and challenge of leading a strategic and very needed transformation in the educational and learning system in Israel by unifying efforts, forces, and knowledge in Israel and abroad. We invite you to partake in this historic opportunity, to support the move and create change together, leading education and learning to the place they were meant to be.

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